Friday, August 27, 2010

Social Studies Literacy

Strategies for Students:

Intro to Government

GREAT activity. I've used this each year I taught Civics. The kids really get into it and in the end they have a solid understanding of oligarchy, aristocracy, direct and indirect government

Election Unit Resources

I used this activity in class, but tweaked it a bit. I can show you my version of it.

General SS Resources- Pretty much elem-HS

National Council for Social Studies Teacher’s Library:

Great resource of activities and lesson plans. Elementary-high school. Don't get stuck thinking because you teach high school your lessons can't be those for MS.

NY Times Learning Network: K-12

Monday, August 16, 2010

Social Studies in the Era of NCLB

Read the position statement of the National Council of Social Studies and respond to the question below

Some would argue that No Child Left Behind has taken the learning out of school, that we have turned our students into memorizers of facts and excellent test takers. But then at the end of the day what do they have to show for it all? The focus placed on Math and English has taken time and money away from Social Studies. Has Social Studies dodged a bullet in that it has not necessarily become a drill and kill subject allowing it to be truly taught and learned by our students? Or should Social Studies join the tested ranks of Math and English and will this in turn shift its importance in American society?